I need Help on Major and Minor scales????

I have had guitar tricks since march 06 and I have picked up a few things but I'm haveing trouble sticking to a lesson and I don't know how to use the lesson play can anyone give me a idea on how to approach learning my Major and Minor scales Please? Steve
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best way to start would be to pick the scale that looks the easiest and just practice it over and over again, probably best to do this with alternate picking going down the scale and then reversing and going back up. eventualy you get faster and then you can start learning more and more scales.
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The only way to learn scales, that I know is repetition. So you look up a scale, then you practice it until you remember it by heart. I would only learn one scale at a time though, because if you try to learn to many at once you'll get them mixed up. The real fun with scales come when you know them, and improvise over music with them. Some scales you should learn besides major and minor include blues, pentatonic, modes, and there are lots more. Good luck!
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Just as a thought, if you're struggling with the diagrams you could use the intervals instead and figure it out yourself.
With a tone being 2 frets, and a semitone being (obviously I guess) 1 fret, the intervals are as below:
Major - tone-tone-semitone-tone-tone-tone-semitone
Minor - tone-semitone-tone-tone-semitone-tone-tone
Armed with this info, you should be able to easily play either scale up one string - maybe that'll help you figure out the boxes... ???
Agreed with the others though - learn them one at a time or you'll end up pretty confused, or playing chromatics instead... :D
With a tone being 2 frets, and a semitone being (obviously I guess) 1 fret, the intervals are as below:
Major - tone-tone-semitone-tone-tone-tone-semitone
Minor - tone-semitone-tone-tone-semitone-tone-tone
Armed with this info, you should be able to easily play either scale up one string - maybe that'll help you figure out the boxes... ???
Agreed with the others though - learn them one at a time or you'll end up pretty confused, or playing chromatics instead... :D
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Originally Posted by: zreynoldspJust as a thought, if you're struggling with the diagrams you could use the intervals instead and figure it out yourself.
With a tone being 2 frets, and a semitone being (obviously I guess) 1 fret, the intervals are as below:
Major - tone-tone-semitone-tone-tone-tone-semitone
Minor - tone-semitone-tone-tone-semitone-tone-tone
Armed with this info, you should be able to easily play either scale up one string - maybe that'll help you figure out the boxes... ???
Agreed with the others though - learn them one at a time or you'll end up pretty confused, or playing chromatics instead... :D
This is the answer I would really look into if I was the asker of the question ! Pick a key, and Look for how all the scale boxes are connected by the interval patterns listed above, and what you will see with practice, and study is one whole diatonic scale thru out entire neck interconnected.
This is where Steve1910 skill level will make a big increase if enough time, and effort are put into understanding these principles.
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