do i need to know how to read this....

den myos
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den myos
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06/09/2006 10:49 pm
i have only been plying for a couple of months, and i came across this site

and to tell you the truth, i have know idea how to read this. im a little bit into to tabs, but this is tottaly diffrint. last time i look i only had 5 fingers, to play this i would probely need 10 more.

somebody please help me out here

mvh den
# 1
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06/09/2006 11:01 pm
Thoise are scale/mode charts. The black dots represent all the notes that you can play in a given key. When I clicked it was on C Ionian so all the black dots are notes you should play in the key of Cmaj. If you know your scale box patterns then you should be able to pick them out on the chart. The Cmajor scale is up there and also the Am scale because Am is in the key of Cmaj.
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# 2
Disco Bandit
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Disco Bandit
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06/10/2006 8:21 am
start at any number and follow the next numbers as u progress down the strings... so if u start at 6, u pick 7 next, then next would be R...then 2-3-4-5 so on and so forth
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den myos
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den myos
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06/10/2006 10:53 am
so the black numbers are not the fret. so you play only 1 stringe at a time.

like this: E-STRING: 4,5,6,7,R.

stupid question, whats the fun in that.
or im i just being a newbie here.
# 4
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06/10/2006 11:09 am
The numbers on the black dots is a theory thing. R is the root note or in this case it is a C. The 2,3,4,5,6,7 is what indicates the kind of interval that note is in recpect to C.
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# 5
Disco Bandit
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Disco Bandit
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06/10/2006 12:29 pm
ok for example, here's a tabbed version if u start on the fifth fret on the 6th string, this is how your scale shud go...(IONIAN ,C)


see how u start from the chart? the brackets aretohelp u indicate the numbers in the starts from 6-7-R-2-3-4...etc.. hope its easier for u... :D
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# 6
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06/10/2006 3:19 pm
It'd probably be easier for you to look up a site that will break down scales and modes for you. That seemed like a little too much to take in at once especially for a beginner. Start with your major and minor scales, move on to pentatonic, blues scales, and modes. You can go in any order. Take your time learning all of them though, if you try to learn too many scales in one day you're going to get them confused and probably forget them. Good luck!

# 7
den myos
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den myos
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06/10/2006 6:01 pm
you probaly right, have allready been looking around the net, but could't really find any.
so if anybody know any good site's, im all ears.
# 8
Disco Bandit
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Disco Bandit
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06/10/2006 6:51 pm
altho i tabbed out the ionian scale, u can still apply the same way of reading the chart on any other scale....
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06/10/2006 8:36 pm
This lesson by Dr. Simon pretty much got me started on the modes.
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# 10
den myos
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den myos
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06/13/2006 7:18 pm
i know u are really trying hard, to break this down for me. But either im stupid (which some people think i am), or there is a error in this scale
in the 3 scale, should it say,
A string 12,13,15 instead of 12,14,15

anyway's in this link
i can't figure out, how u can see where to start and where to stop.
# 11
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06/13/2006 9:38 pm
I highly doubt that Doc Simon would put erroneous info in his lessons but then again everyone makes mistakes. I still think it's right and it definatly sounds right to me. As far as I know that is a Phrygian scale. You could always PM Doc Simon about it.

If you use both of those links together you can see where each mode begins and ends. In the scale chart it has Doc Simons Phrygian mode the way it is so I'm guessing the lesson is correct. To find out where you are use the red numbers at the top. They are the fret numbers just like the dots on a guitar.
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