Totally stoked.
Background. 3 sons, 2 old enough to walk talk and play. youngest is only 7 mos. Oldest has been playing guitar for about 6 years (taeching him myself), played sax and is learning to hunt & peck on our keyboard.
My 2nd, has a little guitar, drumset (mini version, just his size, pestered me for 3 years and now it is just a dust collector--maybe the youngest will play em :p )
It has been a long coupe of weeks at work--worried about job security and all.
Well back to the story. I was sitting down the other night woodsheddin and felling down (job situation) when in comes my son. For no reason other than gits and shigles I handed him the bass and began showing him some easy notes to play, well after about 1 hour he was able to play a simplified version of Hotel California (root notes only all on the E string) chorus and verse , timing was good and he was able to follow along with me.
He was bitten by the bug and has been playing around non stop for the past 2 days and has already asked to learn "rock n roll ain't noise pollution". We'll be working on this over the weekend.
I just had to tell someone who could and would appreciate this. Momma just don't undertand. :D
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I reject your reality and substitue my own[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]But it goes to eleven....[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]But it goes to eleven....[/FONT]