This was a Guitar Tricks collaboration from a few years ago.
Any idea who originally did the music?
I'm using parts of the solo for a lesson & wanna give proper credit.
Anybody remember who did this?
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I don't remember who, but it was probably one of our older members. Az, maybe?
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
# 3
If memory serves, Christoph had something set up on Yahoo, and he and Skee65(?) also did something together.
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So nobody has a clue who else provided leads? There were like, 5 other guys plus the guy who did the backup music.
If I could find the original posts I could use the search feature but don't have a clue what keywords to use. I tried 'collaboration' and 'recording' but can't find it...
I'm sure some of the instructors helped out too..
If I could find the original posts I could use the search feature but don't have a clue what keywords to use. I tried 'collaboration' and 'recording' but can't find it...
I'm sure some of the instructors helped out too..
# 8

it would help if we knew what year or month or day or hour or minute or second it was posted..
Originally Posted by: schmangeugly fat chicks
# 9
Wish I knew fer sure.
The date attached to the first .aiff file says (July 16, 2003) and the only other recording I have is from one of the other players:
this is kinda freaky cause it'd only a coupla years ago and several gt guys participated. You'd think at least one or two would remember it.
The date attached to the first .aiff file says (July 16, 2003) and the only other recording I have is from one of the other players:
this is kinda freaky cause it'd only a coupla years ago and several gt guys participated. You'd think at least one or two would remember it.
# 10

well the people back then definitely wrote some good music.
i searched the entire listening post 2003-2004 and didn't see it.
i searched the entire listening post 2003-2004 and didn't see it.
Originally Posted by: schmangeugly fat chicks
# 11
how the heck did he make that screaming sound so beautifully???
[FONT=Impact]grooviest tunes ever [/FONT]
# 12
It's a combination of pinch harmonics and a slide. The whole solo was done on several tracks that were pieced together:
# 13