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Joined: 05/17/06
Posts: 6
Registered User
Joined: 05/17/06
Posts: 6
05/17/2006 2:38 pm
I played bass for 4 years before picking up a six string, and I have to say I love both! Biggest thing with bass is the space between the notes! Sounds silly but listen so some of the modern "rock" bassist like flea (RHCP) and Tim Commerford (Rage against the machine) and the key to their groove is the space. As a bass player you have the power to totally change the dynamics of a song so dont be afraid to experiment! If you are listening to incubus, check out "are you in". The bassline in this song has a great groove and its not complicated just a great example of using ghost notes and "space"! I cannot stress how important it is to listen to your drummer, once you find your groove together its an amazng feeling! Hope that makes sense! :eek: Keep at it man, even though i play more guitar atm, i love bass and once you get it sussed its very rewarding!