Favorite Movie

Obsessed Freak
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Obsessed Freak
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04/29/2006 3:32 pm
What's your alltime favorite movie? I have 3, in no order, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Crossroads, and The Godfather
If there's one thing I've learned, it's that life is one crushing defeat after another until you just wish Flanders was dead.

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# 1
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04/29/2006 3:36 pm
"Almost Heroes" It was Chris Farley's last movie.
-Kole (Kyle Hicks)

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# 2
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04/29/2006 3:44 pm
G3 Live in denver :D

Seriously, now:

G3 live in denver
The matrix trilogy
the Godfather series
rocky balboa series
Good will hunting
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I can go on forever...
I am Comfortably Numb... :D

# 3
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04/29/2006 3:52 pm
the Boondock Saints :D

had a lot of drunky nights with that movie
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# 4
Andrew Sa
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Andrew Sa
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04/29/2006 5:08 pm
I have only 3 fav movies...Donnie Darko, The Usual Suspects and Primal Fear.

I like movies that make you think.
Chasing Amy is the most intense film ever made...it just tires you out...you have to watch it once...but just once
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# 5
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04/29/2006 5:10 pm
Originally Posted by: Andrew SaChasing Amy is the most intense film ever made...it just tires you out...you have to watch it once...but just once

my roommate has it, together with 300 other dvd's, but haven't watched it yet, I never take the time for such movies, maybe soon
= good music is good drinking =
# 6
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04/29/2006 5:50 pm
"The Color Purple"

"A Clockwork Orange"


"Blood in Blood Out"
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04/29/2006 6:40 pm

:D No, just kidding.

My two favs are probably Magnolia and Dumb and Dumber.
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Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow.

# 8
Obsessed Freak
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Obsessed Freak
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04/29/2006 7:07 pm
Originally Posted by: ericthecableguyPURPLE RAIN...

:D No, just kidding.

My two favs are probably Magnolia and Dumb and Dumber.

o I forgot Dumb and Dumber, that movie is great, and also Liar Liar
If there's one thing I've learned, it's that life is one crushing defeat after another until you just wish Flanders was dead.

Rock stars ... is there anything they don't know?
# 9
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04/29/2006 8:20 pm
My favourite movie at the moment is Blade Runner: The Director's Cut (the only movie I've studied at school that I've really liked!).
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- Attributed variously to Leadbelly and Louis Armstrong

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# 10
R. Shackleferd
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04/29/2006 8:45 pm
Hmmm...hard to say, but a few come to mind nevertheless:
Supertroopers, Lord of the Rings, and Saving Private Ryan. But I'm not the kind to re-watch movies I've seen already.
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# 11
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04/29/2006 9:52 pm
I dunno. Butterfly Effect was pretty neat. I'm not much for movies. I watch them, but doesn't mean I like them.
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# 12
earthman buck
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earthman buck
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04/29/2006 10:31 pm
I like Speed, Air Force One, The Matrix (only the first one), and of course, all them Monty Python flicks. There's a bunch of old movies that I've always wanted to see because I just know I'd love them (like A Clockwork Orange and Eraserhead), but I haven't actually seen any of them. I'll count them anyway. I'm crooked like that.
# 13
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04/30/2006 10:52 am
Lord of the Rings trilogy
Shawshank Redemption
Enter the Dragon
The original Star Wars trilogy.. and a few more cant think of right now :rolleyes:
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04/30/2006 8:40 pm
Requiem for a Dream.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
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10/05/2024 8:43 am

Thanks its a great and best blog!

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