Originally Posted by: HammurabiPotato guns should always be constructed, loaded, and operated responsibly. According to the ATF:
"ATF has previously examined "potato guns" or "spud guns" as described above and has generally determined that such devices using potatoes as projectiles and used solely for recreational purposes are not weapons and do not meet the definition of "firearm" or "destructive device" in either the NFA or GCA. However, ATF has classified such devices as "firearms" and "destructive devices" if their design, construction, ammunition, actual use, or intended use indicate that they are weapons. For example, ATF has classified such devices as "firearms" and "destructive devices" if they are designed and used to expel flaming tennis balls."
Ah, potato guns.
My dad's friend once built this potato gun. Actually, it was more like a potato bazooka. It was this big metal tube with sharpened edges on one end, so you could put a whole potato in and it would shave off the excess stuff so it fit perfectly. Once it was in, you'd spray some hairspray in this little chamber at the back, then fire up a sparkplug. It would ignite the hairspray and launch the whole potato ridiculously far.
Unfortunately, I never saw the thing in action.