Right, so earlier this week, I went to go buy an airsoft pistol so me and my buddies could run around and shoot each other (intelligent, yes I know) I get to the counter, and the guy says "do you have some ID" I was like wtf? so I hand him some ID, and he goes "you have to be 18 to buy this" I knew this of course, but I play stupid "oh really? wow. alright well, thanks anyway" I reach to take my ID, and take my time putting my wallet away... he starts to ring it up, tells me my price, and then says "you didn't get it from here"
today, I go to Lowe's (like home depot) to buy some stuff to get to work on refinishing that ibanez project guitar I have. I get to the counter, the girl there scans my wood stain, and asks for ID! I'm thinking crap, not again so I hand her some ID. she looks it over for a very long 15 seconds. Then she tells me I must be 18 to buy it. I'm just like *sigh* "alright, well, I'll just get the other stuff then" (some sanding sponges and a sponge paint brush) she looks at me sympathetically and asks what I'm using it for, I say it's to repaint a guitar. Since I'm wearing my shirt that says "Musician: looking for groupies" it's a believable story. so she lets me get it but just reminds me that I'll need an adult to get other paint supplies next time.
that's not once, but twice in one week that I've gotten away with buying something though I'm underage. Plusa ton of rated R movies, and a M rated video game, but they didn't card me for those.