alright, so upon a brief discussion with my mom, she says that I might she might buy me a computer once I've finished paying off my car. I plan on having it paid off by the beginning of July hopefully, only a few months. so I've been thinking alot, and looking at what a bunch of other people are using to record, and here's an idea I cam up with, let me know if you think it'll work, or if I left something out, etc.
Guitar -----> Pre-amp -----> PodXT (for speaker sims) -----> Mixer -----> Sound card
for the sound card, I think that the m-audio delta 1010 is just what I was looking for. For the pre-amp I can use an ART SGX2000 tube pre-amp that I have sitting in my room that I almost forgot about (long story as to how I acquired it)
future upgrades to include:
midi controller + VST effects
rackmount EQ
anything else you'd recommend
so, what do you think?