Starting Point

I've been playing about a year and a half and I'm looking to go to the next level. I'm also going to be playing in jazz band next year @ school and I'm looking for a starting point as far as theory. Where would you all recommend? Scales...Chords?And If scales which one pentatonics, major, minor? And trying to take this slow as possible to thoroughly grasp on everything so I know not just what I'm playing but how it all fits together. I would be must obliged if anyone could offer some guidance ;) .Thanx
# 1

If you are playing in a jazz band next year and you have no knowledge of chords and scales I would highly recommend getting a private teacher.
To play jazz well you have to have a good knowledge of these things:
The major scale
the modes of the major scale
the melodic minor scale
7th chords
extensions of 7th chords (9ths, 13ths etc)
It would be pretty hard to explain them all on the forums so yeah, find a teacher or at least someone who knows about these things and learn them!
To play jazz well you have to have a good knowledge of these things:
The major scale
the modes of the major scale
the melodic minor scale
7th chords
extensions of 7th chords (9ths, 13ths etc)
It would be pretty hard to explain them all on the forums so yeah, find a teacher or at least someone who knows about these things and learn them!
Miracle Blade 4: Gibs on touch.
# 2

Ya, just to add to Julians post. As a jazz begginer, a good place to start with chords is to learn some movable shapes, so as soon as yoy hear 'em6' you'll know they shape and just have to locate the e.
For life is quite absurd and death's the final word, You must always face the curtain with a bow
Forget about your sin - give the audience a grin
Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow.
Forget about your sin - give the audience a grin
Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow.
# 3