I need help! PLEASE

I am playing guitar for a while and i think that i don't have soo fast fingers. Can You help me and give me some exercises for riffs and solos. I need them. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 1

# 2

It'll come mate, I was slow as hell for over a year, just keep playing your scales and maybe even pick up some fingerstyle for practice. (Try classical, mel bay. It might seem kinda lame if you're into shredding, but it'll keep your fingers moving, and later you can add in some licks and effects and it'll sound all ethereal.)
Don't worry. I shred.
# 3

ok if it is your picking hand that is to slow practice your alternate picking but make sure your hand is as relaxed as possible. start slow and speed up making sure your hand stays relaxed. if you are very tense it can lead to things like RSI, which is not good. it also slows you down because when you tense both sets of muscles contract, eg pull from both sides, this provides resistance to movement.
also try to get the pick movement from your wrist as much as possible, and make the minimum movement required to pick the string, eg dont push down to much. try to make the pick just touch the strings, dont dig in. if you use a thick pick you will probably find it easier. i actually sharpen my picks, i find this helps drasticly as only a very small part of the pick needs to touch the string. you probably want to rest your palm on the low strings(in pitch) (provided you are not playing them ;) ), this should help you get the ideal height above the strings.
if it is your left hand. again keep the hand relaxed. try to use all four fingers, some people use the first three mainly but having a fourth really makes a difference. also try to minimise movement of your fingers, eg kepp them close to the fretboard even when not playing notes.
if it a co-ordination issue between the hands, all you can really do is practice, as usuall start slow and speed up using a metronome. also play on a clean channel because you will hear more clearly if you mistrike notes whilst trying to play fast.
as for exercise run up and down scales, play three notes on a tring over and over but change the order. or run through it all chromatically.
anyway good luck and dont worry if it takes a while because although you can practice more theres only so fast you can progress.
also try to get the pick movement from your wrist as much as possible, and make the minimum movement required to pick the string, eg dont push down to much. try to make the pick just touch the strings, dont dig in. if you use a thick pick you will probably find it easier. i actually sharpen my picks, i find this helps drasticly as only a very small part of the pick needs to touch the string. you probably want to rest your palm on the low strings(in pitch) (provided you are not playing them ;) ), this should help you get the ideal height above the strings.
if it is your left hand. again keep the hand relaxed. try to use all four fingers, some people use the first three mainly but having a fourth really makes a difference. also try to minimise movement of your fingers, eg kepp them close to the fretboard even when not playing notes.
if it a co-ordination issue between the hands, all you can really do is practice, as usuall start slow and speed up using a metronome. also play on a clean channel because you will hear more clearly if you mistrike notes whilst trying to play fast.
as for exercise run up and down scales, play three notes on a tring over and over but change the order. or run through it all chromatically.
anyway good luck and dont worry if it takes a while because although you can practice more theres only so fast you can progress.
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