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Kevin Taylor
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 03/05/00
Posts: 4,722
Kevin Taylor
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 03/05/00
Posts: 4,722
04/25/2006 8:35 pm
I'm confused here...

There's 65 pages of tapping material posted on this site, right from the very basics all the way up to 8 finger tapping. It's explained using simple language and the same type of Tabs that any bozo with a limited knowledge can understand.

Am I missing something??
Like, are ya actually learning how to read tabulature first and then reading the tapping material and studying it? Or are you glancing at the lessons and expecting them to transfer to your fingers like magic or something?

Ya's like taking Algebra or any other subject.
You don't walk into school the first day, glance at the text book and go " hoo... this is too hard and it doesnt' make sense... this is stupid and the person who wrote this book is stupid" ...then go crying to the teacher to make it work for you.
You sit there for the rest of the year and study it.