Stairway to Heaven
If there was a top 40 of backmasked songs, then "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin would be at the top. That song contains many backward messages.
However, by far the most controversial backward messages on the song was :
"Its my sweet Satan. The one whose little path would make me sad whose power is fake (indeterminate gibberish - some people claim this says, He gives you 666) There was a little toolshed where he made us suffer, sad Satan." I dont believe it at first but when I heard it myself, that is when I believed it. Scientist say its a way of programming our minds, with least resistance direct to our subconscious. But who cares, I still listen to them but I only focus on the guitar, not the lyrics.....I always put my mind in passive state to avoid any mental case its true. :D
Id rather not listen to the direct Satanic messages by most Black Metal bands on their songs, thats why I stopped listening to them. But hey, its up to you to listen. I'm just concerned. Peace.
Guitarplaying is 1 Percent Inspiration, 99 Percent Perspiration... :)