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Joined: 04/18/05
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Joined: 04/18/05
Posts: 1,334
01/26/2006 10:14 am
If you want to see a lot of the techniques used in neo-classical shred, check out This guy is one of my favourite guitarists at the moment, there are loads of videos demonstrating a lot of the techniques used (sweep picking, arpeggios, tapping, alternate picking etc) which can help a lot. Also, check out Vinnie Moore (, possibly the best neo-classical player out there (not just overdriven shred! he plays spanish, classical and flamenco too) with a massive depth of musical knowledge and superior compositions that stay away from cloning Yngwie's style (unlike 90% of all other such players). Also check out, plently of runs tabbed out and a lot of downloads available (check out the tracks from Perpetual Burn). Jason Becker was heavily influenced by the likes of Paganini, Chopin, Lizst and Bach, worth checking out.