guitar too small?/ barre chords

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01/19/2006 12:27 am
i cannot do an A chord, my fingers are too big to cram on all three strings. and if i do get them, my wrist pops , :eek: do i need a guitar with a wider neck? also, what is the best practice for barre chords? ive been doing exercises with only my first finger, barring the string, up down up down. any other suggestions, cuz its quite impossible :D
# 1
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01/19/2006 1:02 am
Instead of jamming three extra fingers on, try barreing so that you have one finger pressing the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th strings.

For practicing barre chords, just take your time to get all your fingers set up and then testing each string to make sure it rings. Once you've got that down, switch to another chord type or place on the guitar and repeat. Eventually you'll speed up (it takes a while).
# 2
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01/19/2006 4:00 am
Originally Posted by: FlatearthInstead of jamming three extra fingers on, try barreing so that you have one finger pressing the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th strings.

thanx for the reply, but when doing this, i wont have the open high e string right? or are you saying barre it, and stay off the high E? cuz that seems impossible? :cool:
# 3
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01/19/2006 4:03 am
For now it's ok to leave the high E out of the equation. I still do it myself. When you get comfortable with it then you can find a position that works for you if you want to include the high E.
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# 4
earthman buck
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earthman buck
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01/19/2006 5:00 pm
Originally Posted by: findinghomerthanx for the reply, but when doing this, i wont have the open high e string right? or are you saying barre it, and stay off the high E? cuz that seems impossible? :cool:

It's not impossible. My ring finger on my left hand is bent back at an insane degree, and I can play A-type barre chords by holding down the D,G, and B string with my ring finger and still clearing the high E string. If you practice a lot, maybe you'll someday have a screwed up finger like me!
# 5
Vote For Pedro
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01/19/2006 7:30 pm
Anythings possible with enough practice and patience. You'll get it just keep trying. I once thought that playing the guitar was an easy task, then I bought a guitar. :D
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# 6
Disco Bandit
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01/19/2006 9:29 pm
i faced the same problem as well when i first started... but with constant playing i could do a whole lot more now... i use my index finger to do A...i reckon having larger fingers is an advantage...i have really small fingers and pressing down several strings at once is no easy task... so relax mate... practise makes perfect
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# 7
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01/19/2006 9:50 pm
Originally Posted by: findinghomeri cannot do an A chord, my fingers are too big to cram on all three strings. and if i do get them, my wrist pops , :eek: do i need a guitar with a wider neck? also, what is the best practice for barre chords? ive been doing exercises with only my first finger, barring the string, up down up down. any other suggestions, cuz its quite impossible :D

What I found works for me a lot of times is to put the pinky on the 5th fret of the high E string, which is an A and fits just fine, in fact it gives the chord a fuller sound for some songs. Other times just not having the high E open note makes little if any difference because you're not there that long. Experiment and you'll soon find what works for you.
# 8
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01/20/2006 1:41 am
trim your fingers with a sharp blade.
# 9
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01/20/2006 1:47 am
Originally Posted by: Armeniantrim your fingers with a sharp blade.

im gonna try this first, it seems easiest :D if that dont work then ill barre with no high e. actually i rarely see A chord anyway. thanx guys.
# 10

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