sold my soul!

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01/16/2006 2:26 pm
I recently lost my job and had to make ends meet, so I sold my first jackson guitar. its been a month now and it feels like theres been an death in the family? I really miss that guitar, it was the guitar that originally got me inspired to play everyday. fortunatly, I still have my newer jackson to keep me company, but it just isnt the same. :(
I was just wondering if theres anybody else that had a peice of gear they'd kill to get back.
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# 1
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01/16/2006 9:27 pm
My Boss Metal Zone distortion pedal. *sniff*
Nothing will ever match those heart-wrenching Boss distortion tones (lol Boss should be paying me for this!)
"It's all folk music... I ain't never heard no horse sing!"
- Attributed variously to Leadbelly and Louis Armstrong

If at first you don't succeed, you are obviously not Chuck Norris.

l337iZmz r@wk o.K!!!??>
# 2
zoran the dark
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zoran the dark
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01/16/2006 9:37 pm
yup, and My Squier Strat (7 years old) died to.
# 3
Vote For Pedro
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01/17/2006 12:06 am
I came close to loosing my Martin OM28V to a pawn shop once. I was down and out and had to pawn it for some cash. They only loaned me 400 on it and it lists for 3700 on the Martin website. I only paid 2K for it but sill. Anyway, when the time came to pick it up I was short on the cash but managed to scrape up just enough to get it back.
I am a constant evolving music machine. Oh Man, I just forgot what I was playing. Oh well, on to the next song. :rolleyes:
# 4
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01/17/2006 3:25 am
In 1986, I bought a new MIJ '62 re-issue Strat. Once I took out that gawdawful tone-suckin' trem unit and replaced it with a pressed-in brass block, that lady could sing! In '91, I was unemployed and short for the rent. I still miss her.

Going back even further, my first 'real' guitar was a 1965 sunburst Yamaha SG-2. Some day...
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# 5
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01/17/2006 4:25 am
Back in the day, 1965 My dad bought me a 1965 light Blue Fender Mustang for my 16th B-Day. ( My Dad died 2 months later the day before Christmas ) I don't know how much it cost at the time but I would be surpised if it was $200.00 cause that was a ton of cash then. Well I had that baby for 10 years. Then one day I went to my buddies to jam and I left it there. And I kept telling myself I had to go over and get it. Well about 3 months later I finally went over to get the guitar ( sorry at that point in my life chicks took over my life). Well his freaking younger brother sold it....

Ok so now I am In my 50's. I start playing the guitar again. Sunday I went to Guitar Center and what is staring me in the face a 1965 light blue Fender Mustang. Price $2100.00. You know I never moved to far away from where I grew up and I bet 99 to 1 that that baby was mine.......
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# 6
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01/17/2006 12:52 pm
Originally Posted by: sailorjimBack in the day, 1965 My dad bought me a 1965 light Blue Fender Mustang for my 16th B-Day. ( My Dad died 2 months later the day before Christmas ) I don't know how much it cost at the time but I would be surpised if it was $200.00 cause that was a ton of cash then. Well I had that baby for 10 years. Then one day I went to my buddies to jam and I left it there. And I kept telling myself I had to go over and get it. Well about 3 months later I finally went over to get the guitar ( sorry at that point in my life chicks took over my life). Well his freaking younger brother sold it....

Ok so now I am In my 50's. I start playing the guitar again. Sunday I went to Guitar Center and what is staring me in the face a 1965 light blue Fender Mustang. Price $2100.00. You know I never moved to far away from where I grew up and I bet 99 to 1 that that baby was mine.......

man... If you got the cash, you should definatly reunite yourself with that guitar. It sounds to me like that mustang has some serious sentimental value to you.
Get rollin, or get rolled over!-diamond darrell
# 7
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01/17/2006 3:44 pm
Originally Posted by: DISCIPLEofMETALman... If you got the cash, you should definatly reunite yourself with that guitar. It sounds to me like that mustang has some serious sentimental value to you.

Arrrggg-- I wish I had the cash... Because of the sentimental value.. But on the other hand, Feneder mustangs definely had issues. The pick up switches always screwed up and it used to go out of tune at the drop of a hat... If it were 500.00 or so I may think about it.. But 2100.00 is too much..... Just another lesson in this life of letting go.......
A drunkard's dream if I ever did see one
# 8
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01/17/2006 4:43 pm
Originally Posted by: DISCIPLEofMETAL
Originally Posted by: sailorjimBack in the day, 1965 My dad bought me a 1965 light Blue Fender Mustang for my 16th B-Day. ( My Dad died 2 months later the day before Christmas ) I don't know how much it cost at the time but I would be surpised if it was $200.00 cause that was a ton of cash then. Well I had that baby for 10 years. Then one day I went to my buddies to jam and I left it there. And I kept telling myself I had to go over and get it. Well about 3 months later I finally went over to get the guitar ( sorry at that point in my life chicks took over my life). Well his freaking younger brother sold it....

Ok so now I am In my 50's. I start playing the guitar again. Sunday I went to Guitar Center and what is staring me in the face a 1965 light blue Fender Mustang. Price $2100.00. You know I never moved to far away from where I grew up and I bet 99 to 1 that that baby was mine.......

man... If you got the cash, you should definatly reunite yourself with that guitar. It sounds to me like that mustang has some serious sentimental value to you.

I think the point where he leaves the guitar for 3 months at someone else's house was where I lost any pity I may have had for the situation.
... and that's all I have to say about that.

[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]

# 9
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01/18/2006 3:06 am
Originally Posted by: iamthe_eggmanI think the point where he leaves the guitar for 3 months at someone else's house was where I lost any pity I may have had for the situation.

The guitar was at my "best friends house", not someone I just met. Just be cause I left it there doesn't mean that I didn't play it over there. His family was like my family. His brother was just an *ss.. And what is there a limit where you can leave you guitar and it becomes public domain!!!!

And I certainlly wasn't looking for your pity, I was just replying to the thread about sold my soul.. I wasn't replying to " who iamthe_eggman who should I give pity list...
A drunkard's dream if I ever did see one
# 10
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01/18/2006 3:49 am
Originally Posted by: DISCIPLEofMETALman... If you got the cash, you should definatly reunite yourself with that guitar. It sounds to me like that mustang has some serious sentimental value to you.

I went to the Guitar Center today, with the intention of finding out. 1. was the guitar on consignment, and if so who was the owner. 2. To play that guitar..I didn't play it when I saw it..

This is what happened, I told the manger the story. So he was very helpful, first he said that it wasn't on consignment, and he couldn't by store policy tell me who the pevious owner was. But he could tell me if I said who it might be. So after a guessing game and discusions about stolen guitars he did tell me the guitar was from a person that lived in this area. So I played it for a while, had a few memories, put it back and said good bye. But not before getting the serial number. The store my dad bought it is still in business by the same owner. And that store is also in the area. So I stopped there and asked a long shot question... How long to you keep records for.. This guy remembers me from all the times I went there when I was younger. He say well, not long.... I told him the story.. Then he says I have this customer thats been coming here for years and I remeber he had a blue fender mustang. He gave me his phone number.. (Now I am on a mission) I called him. I told him the story. He say he was the one that bought the guitar from my friends brother. It was his first guitar , he loved it, It was his main guitar for 8 years and couldn't say enough how it took him through his guitar playing life. And he said If I still had it I would certainly give it back to you. Well comes to find out, The reason why the guy at the music store remebered it was be cause this guy used it as a trade for another guitar.. Then we got talking about what type of guitars we had now and I told him I just bought a Schecter about 30 days ago. He said you won't believe this.. I did to about 30 days ago.. Now I can say goodbye to that ol light blue 1965 Fender mustang knowing that it helped another guy with a life of music..
A drunkard's dream if I ever did see one
# 11
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01/18/2006 3:57 am
That is so cool....

Now, both of you should go have a word with that jive-ass POS that stole your guitar in the first place!
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# 12
Vote For Pedro
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01/18/2006 4:37 am
That is cool! However, if you really wanted revenge on that POS that sold your guitar, you should have done it the moment you found out about it. I believe it's a little late now and best to move on. ;)

Personally, I would have smashed this guys face as soon as I found out he sold my guitar. Drug him by his ear to the guys house that he sold it to, and got my guitar back. But that's just me. :)
I am a constant evolving music machine. Oh Man, I just forgot what I was playing. Oh well, on to the next song. :rolleyes:
# 13
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01/18/2006 5:22 am
Originally Posted by: bigbudaThat is cool! However, if you really wanted revenge on that POS that sold your guitar, you should have done it the moment you found out about it. I believe it's a little late now and best to move on. ;)

Personally, I would have smashed this guys face as soon as I found out he sold my guitar. Drug him by his ear to the guys house that he sold it to, and got my guitar back. But that's just me. :)

You know it is alot of years.. And I am sitting here trying to think on what transpired after that.. Dam those 60's and 70's, I don't have a clue.
A drunkard's dream if I ever did see one
# 14
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01/18/2006 5:32 am
Originally Posted by: sailorjimYou know it is alot of years.. And I am sitting here trying to think on what transpired after that.. Dam those 60's and 70's, I don't have a clue.

Just imagine, if you had filled out a police report back then and reported it stolen. You could have got the serial number from the shop back then too. The guy at the Guitar shop would be handing you back your guitar with apologies...... :(
I am a constant evolving music machine. Oh Man, I just forgot what I was playing. Oh well, on to the next song. :rolleyes:
# 15
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01/18/2006 3:07 pm
That's a badass story.
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01/18/2006 3:19 pm
It was very tragic though it had a bitter sweet ending. If I was homeless I'd have three guitars a bass and a small amp in my shopping cart. :D
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