I was just wondering if theres anybody else that had a peice of gear they'd kill to get back.
Get rollin, or get rolled over!-diamond darrell
Originally Posted by: sailorjimBack in the day, 1965 My dad bought me a 1965 light Blue Fender Mustang for my 16th B-Day. ( My Dad died 2 months later the day before Christmas ) I don't know how much it cost at the time but I would be surpised if it was $200.00 cause that was a ton of cash then. Well I had that baby for 10 years. Then one day I went to my buddies to jam and I left it there. And I kept telling myself I had to go over and get it. Well about 3 months later I finally went over to get the guitar ( sorry at that point in my life chicks took over my life). Well his freaking younger brother sold it....
Ok so now I am In my 50's. I start playing the guitar again. Sunday I went to Guitar Center and what is staring me in the face a 1965 light blue Fender Mustang. Price $2100.00. You know I never moved to far away from where I grew up and I bet 99 to 1 that that baby was mine.......
Originally Posted by: DISCIPLEofMETALman... If you got the cash, you should definatly reunite yourself with that guitar. It sounds to me like that mustang has some serious sentimental value to you.
Originally Posted by: DISCIPLEofMETALOriginally Posted by: sailorjimBack in the day, 1965 My dad bought me a 1965 light Blue Fender Mustang for my 16th B-Day. ( My Dad died 2 months later the day before Christmas ) I don't know how much it cost at the time but I would be surpised if it was $200.00 cause that was a ton of cash then. Well I had that baby for 10 years. Then one day I went to my buddies to jam and I left it there. And I kept telling myself I had to go over and get it. Well about 3 months later I finally went over to get the guitar ( sorry at that point in my life chicks took over my life). Well his freaking younger brother sold it....
Ok so now I am In my 50's. I start playing the guitar again. Sunday I went to Guitar Center and what is staring me in the face a 1965 light blue Fender Mustang. Price $2100.00. You know I never moved to far away from where I grew up and I bet 99 to 1 that that baby was mine.......
man... If you got the cash, you should definatly reunite yourself with that guitar. It sounds to me like that mustang has some serious sentimental value to you.
Originally Posted by: iamthe_eggmanI think the point where he leaves the guitar for 3 months at someone else's house was where I lost any pity I may have had for the situation.
Originally Posted by: DISCIPLEofMETALman... If you got the cash, you should definatly reunite yourself with that guitar. It sounds to me like that mustang has some serious sentimental value to you.
Originally Posted by: bigbudaThat is cool! However, if you really wanted revenge on that POS that sold your guitar, you should have done it the moment you found out about it. I believe it's a little late now and best to move on. ;)
Personally, I would have smashed this guys face as soon as I found out he sold my guitar. Drug him by his ear to the guys house that he sold it to, and got my guitar back. But that's just me. :)
Originally Posted by: sailorjimYou know it is alot of years.. And I am sitting here trying to think on what transpired after that.. Dam those 60's and 70's, I don't have a clue.