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Joined: 01/04/05
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Registered User
Joined: 01/04/05
Posts: 586
01/16/2006 3:48 pm
When im sweep picking I sometimes double pick the note when im changing directions;meaning if I go from 8 to 11 on the E string, instead of hammering-on I will double pick the 11th so first pick direction would be an upstroke then down stroke that would get me ready for the up-stroke for coming back up the strings ex:

E ----------------^8---V11^---V8----------
B ------------^9-------------------V9-------
G -------^10--------------------------v10----

If you watch sweep-picking carefuly you will see this being done, its a very small movement but its a common sweep picking technique :cool:
Akira says;
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"