second, I want to remove my les paul pickguard, but I don't know how to fill up the holes that are carved in the body. Does anyone know a website with pictures, or private pictures? :D
Les Paul pickguard

First of all, sorry for not paying attention to guitartricks, guys. I was on holiday.
second, I want to remove my les paul pickguard, but I don't know how to fill up the holes that are carved in the body. Does anyone know a website with pictures, or private pictures? :D
second, I want to remove my les paul pickguard, but I don't know how to fill up the holes that are carved in the body. Does anyone know a website with pictures, or private pictures? :D
# 1

u can fill them with wood filler and then cover with the correct paint but i dont know anything about painting except u need varnish and laquer and lots of stuff :confused: dunno. Why would you want to remove the pickguard though? Just keep it or replace it. Sorry i dnt know any websites.
Im not ok. Im not okhayhay. Im not ok.
Im not O f****n K.
Im not O f****n K.
# 2

u could just put a clear pickguard on instead
humans aren't imortal
but rock and roll will never die
my soundclick page nothing very impressive though
but rock and roll will never die
my soundclick page nothing very impressive though
# 3

Originally Posted by: heknowsnothingu can fill them with wood filler and then cover with the correct paint but i dont know anything about painting except u need varnish and laquer and lots of stuff :confused: dunno. Why would you want to remove the pickguard though? Just keep it or replace it. Sorry i dnt know any websites.
Well, my pickguard is marked with scratches of my plectrum. It's ugly and al the guitarplayers around me who have a les paul removed it because they hit it pretty hard to.
My pickguard almost fell of lost time, and so my dad putted on some glew. It's stuck now, but I asked him if he could remove it. He didn't want to because he thought it was ugly. )*&^&*(%^^%( IT'S MY GUITAR!!! :mad:
So, I want to show my dad that this time he is wrong and not me. I bought the guitar myself.
# 4