can anyone help me out i need help finding a good scale to write a melody with in the key of g majior/e trying to get a mellow like depressing sound but i cant quite figure out how to!its for this one song i wrote.the progression is a minor,g majior,c majior,b majior:,f half diminshed,e minor,a minor,g majior:.if anyone can help me out on this thnx im stuck on this one.
# 1
That progression jumps around in different keys. It's not all in G major/E minor. The F half diminished is out of place (should be F#,) as is the B major (should be B minor.) That's not to say it's wrong, just that one scale won't work over the whole thing, try changing target notes as the chords change.
# 2
i noi changed the chords that my little progession i made up with some of the wierd rules.its sounds good i just cant get a scale to play a melody with
# 3