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Joined: 09/09/04
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Registered User
Joined: 09/09/04
Posts: 82
01/26/2006 11:40 pm
heres my setup-


small crappy picture i know, but its a dell inspiron laptop, 1gb ram, 80gb hdd, 2ghz proc, which i run reason 3, sonar 5, cubase LE, fruity loops 5 and adobe audition on. then theres an alesis multimix 8 usb mixer, u can also spot my ipod( the black htingy beside the laptop, its also a great external HDD), then theres my alesis photon 25 midi/usb keyboard, below that is my line 6 spider 2 112(i also have the 212 version, but only use it for live setups), things that aint in shot would be my studio projects b1 condenser mic and my ibanez rg770dx.only thing i want to really get now is some reference speakers, the headphones i use are relatively good but speakers would give me a much better idea of my final sound.

and to listen to the first track ive recorded with my spanking new setup(it aint all finnished yet tho) click this link, its the song entitled "new, still not finnished", the rest were done on my old setup-


would love to know what y'all think

listen, its free!lmao