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Vote For Pedro
Joined: 01/11/05
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Vote For Pedro
Joined: 01/11/05
Posts: 1,368
01/07/2006 6:23 pm
Originally Posted by: magicninjaNot the 880 EX. The one we had at the studio I worked in had USB, but it was a 2000. I think the 880EX had to have come out maybe mid 90's or so? It still has SCSII connections so it has to be at least a decade old. It works very good though I just need a way to hook it to my PC. Hence the midi thing.

Could you not buy a SCSII card for your pc and hook it up that way? I think that would work better than the MIDI connection?
I am a constant evolving music machine. Oh Man, I just forgot what I was playing. Oh well, on to the next song. :rolleyes: