which pickups?

can anyone recomend me some good pickups. I am looking for a classic rock tone like ac/dc and guitar solos. I have a schecter tempest custom, I have been looking at gibson, semour duncan and emg pickups, are any of these better than the others?
# 1
i dont know much abt pickups but i think dimarzio has some good ones...try going to their site...they have sound samples of each different pickups
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# 2
I use Seymore Duncans in my Gibson LP. An Invader and a Dimebucker to be exact and I get wonderful Classic tone out of 'em. It could be due to the guitar itself too, but Shecter makes quality stuff so you should be all right no matter what your decision may be.
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"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 3