
Registered User
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12/09/2005 3:37 am
i have never, ever, written a song with music in it; i want to make songs but i dont know if you have to have certain chords progressions in them or you can mix up any chords. o yeah. and im new to this site. thanks.

# 1
Guitar Tricks Moderator
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Joined: 03/13/02
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12/09/2005 6:26 am
The different ways you can combine chords is virtualy endless. The best thing is to stay in key at first. The rythm of the song will affect the mood in a song. That is to say you can play the same four chord progression but with a different rythm and totally change the feel of a song. Welcome to the boards btw. Feel free to ask about anything.
Guitar Tricks Moderator

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# 2
Registered User
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12/09/2005 10:26 pm
thanks. (for your help of course)
# 3

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