Schecter line

Lately I've been hearing alot of great things about schecter guitars. What really attracted me was the amazing quality parts for such a low price. I play mostly blues and classic rock and I was wondering whether these guitars would suite the genre. Ultimately I'm looking for a versatile guitar in this price range, which excels in blues and classic rock yet can step into other genres. Comments will be most appreciated.
# 1
I saw, and got to play with, a small band that played blues, classic rock, and r&b. The guitarist was playing a Schecter similar to >this one<. He got some great tones out of it, and was even playing through some Crate amp. Schecter makes some real nice guitars for their price, but as alway's try before you buy. I really enjoy mine, and can play a wide variety of styles on it.
# 2
I have had my eye on the C-1 BlackJack. I believe it to be very similar to the one PRS has. That will be my next guitar purchase.
I am a constant evolving music machine. Oh Man, I just forgot what I was playing. Oh well, on to the next song. :rolleyes:
# 3
That's exactly the one I've got :D
# 4
Originally Posted by: PRSplayaThat's exactly the one I've got :D
Awesome. *drool*
I am a constant evolving music machine. Oh Man, I just forgot what I was playing. Oh well, on to the next song. :rolleyes:
# 5

# 6

i like the schecter c1 semi hollow bodie with the piezo pickup next in my line up, but the omen 6 sure is sexxy ireally like the black cherry satin
# 7