What To Get

Obsessed Freak
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Obsessed Freak
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12/06/2005 9:16 pm
Im saving up some money and even if its next year i plan on getting some new major gear. firstly, either an amp or guitar. i have an epiphone les paul custom, and a crate fx series(the red one) 120watt amp. If i got an amp I would go for some kind of halfstack, if i get a gutar probably a schecter or an ibanez, i really like the C-1 classic, schecter, its awesome, and there were a few ibanezs that i liked to, well, any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks
If there's one thing I've learned, it's that life is one crushing defeat after another until you just wish Flanders was dead.

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# 1
Vote For Pedro
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12/07/2005 2:06 am
Originally Posted by: guitarfreak141Im saving up some money and even if its next year i plan on getting some new major gear. firstly, either an amp or guitar. i have an epiphone les paul custom, and a crate fx series(the red one) 120watt amp. If i got an amp I would go for some kind of halfstack, if i get a gutar probably a schecter or an ibanez, i really like the C-1 classic, schecter, its awesome, and there were a few ibanezs that i liked to, well, any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks

Schecter C-1 would be my choice.
I am a constant evolving music machine. Oh Man, I just forgot what I was playing. Oh well, on to the next song. :rolleyes:
# 2
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12/07/2005 3:58 am
ibanez would be mine
# 3
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12/07/2005 7:50 am
personally, I'd invest in a solid tube amp....
# 4
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12/07/2005 11:49 am
whats a solid tube amp? i thought it was either solid state or tube,
id go for ibenez
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my soundclick page nothing very impressive though
# 5
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12/07/2005 1:24 pm
get the crate. theyre excellent :cool:
# 6
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12/07/2005 3:48 pm
No I don't think he's using solid that literally. He probably meant constructed well.

What type of music do you usually play?
How loud is it/how distorted is it?
How much are you willing to spend?
# 7
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12/07/2005 8:23 pm
Originally Posted by: phillip!No I don't think he's using solid that literally. He probably meant constructed well.

Thank you! I just think that if your guitar is decent enough, then a nice amp would benefit your sound better. So let me rephrase my previous statement: get a QUALITY tube amp.
# 8
Obsessed Freak
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Obsessed Freak
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12/07/2005 9:22 pm
Originally Posted by: phillip!No I don't think he's using solid that literally. He probably meant constructed well.

What type of music do you usually play?
How loud is it/how distorted is it?
How much are you willing to spend?

mostly rock/metal stuff
im willing to spend about or up to or around $1,000 or i can save for a logner time and go above

im pretty happy with crate right now( i dont play much live and if i do its usually a small gig so 120watts does it) but id really like a half stack, probably tube,and im also pretty happy with my epiphone(les paul custom) but that c-1 is just, awesome

for amps, could somebody reccomend something? not too expensive, but not crap either
If there's one thing I've learned, it's that life is one crushing defeat after another until you just wish Flanders was dead.

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# 9
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12/08/2005 12:34 am
Originally Posted by: pogoheadget the crate. theyre excellent :cool:

umm....i have a crate 15 watt amp....and well......ugg!!!!!!for those too, well i dont exceptionaly those 2 brands, if i had to choose something in that style id choose a jackson, i saw one for like 230$, point being with those two...i like ibanez.
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# 10
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12/08/2005 1:47 am
From what I hear, the mesa/boogie 2:ninety is a very nice amplfiier for what you're going to do. It works well with the mesa/boogie Triaxis. Marshall amplfiiers are for the most part less expensive, and still really good.

I'm partial to TubeWorks amplifiers and preamplifiers, but I don't play much with distortion.
# 11
feenix dude
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feenix dude
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12/09/2005 4:04 pm
Ever think about Making one or hopping up a current guitar? Try installing a hot new active pickup , like an EMG.
# 12
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12/09/2005 4:23 pm
personally I like the crate cos I think it has a decent metal tone. Best way of looking at it is, Slash likes valve, Dimebag liked solid state. What kind of tone do you want?
# 13

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