Originally Posted by: iamthe_eggmanI think that it has more to do with Akira's explanation of people thinking that it'll get more views in OD than elsewhere. Also, I imagine a healthy dose of laziness in actually familiarizing themselves with what the other sections are for is involved.
If it really is "talk about whatever you want", then please tell me why Jon bothered to create 15 other forum sections?
I was just playing the devil's advocate there. I try to post my threads in appropriate sections, but the open section sees the most people, so when people want attention to their thread, they post it there. But, it does say talk about whatever you want, and I think that should be changed if that's not the way the open discussion is for.
I think the reason there is more sections is for people looking for particular things to look at. If I want to know something about a guitar, I'm not going to look in the open discussion, I'm gonna look in the gear sections. On the other hand, if I'm bored, I'm gonna read the open discussion to read all kinds of different things. If I want to listen to some people's music, I go to the listening post, and so on... see what I mean? Sometimes, it's hard to categorize a certain post too.
Sometimes I hit notes only dogs can hear.