I can't decide...

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12/06/2005 12:48 am
I want to be able to play lower notes or "darker" notes as i like to call them. I just don't know if i should buy a 7-string guitar or use alternate tuning on a 6-string guitar (w/ a fixed bridge)? I have a 6-string right now, but it has a floating tremolo which means it sux for alternate tunings.
# 1
Mr. Hardcore Oldschool
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Mr. Hardcore Oldschool
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12/06/2005 2:32 am
U really could do both...personally I have several guitars all in different tunings...from standard...half step lower...one in dropped d one stepped down (CGCFAD) and another one thats real low which is tuned 2 steps down (C,F,Bb,Eb,G,C) and sometimes tune the 6th string to B to get a real chunky sound. U really could do either one...U could tune to a lower tuning on a standard 6 string or tune a 7 string or two steps down for a plethora of "darker" notes. Hmm...that 7 string tuned two steps down sounds pretty cool...i think i might try that. Of course u could also tune the 7 string to standard which is still pretty cool. The possibilities are endless.
# 2
Mr. Hardcore Oldschool
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Mr. Hardcore Oldschool
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12/06/2005 2:36 am
Ok...back again..to answer ur question...if i were u...i would probably choose to buy a 7 string. Because u can still tune to standard tuning with a low A or B string for the 7th string and u can tune that 7 string to a lower tuning too and it'll be ****in killer! Washburn has an awesome 7 string that was about $200...im thinking of getting one or 2 myself. I can't remember the model name off the type of my head...but...im almost certain its the Washburn WG587. I hear theyre awesome and for 200 bucks its a bargain. Also..im partial to Washburns. :)
# 3
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12/06/2005 4:12 am
I'll think i'll buy a 7-string. :)
The washburn costs over $600 here in sweden, i'll probably buy the Ibanez Rg7321 or a schecter Omen or damien.
# 4
Andrew Sa
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Andrew Sa
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12/06/2005 3:32 pm
or look at some baritones...i have an ibanez mmm1 that rocks.
[FONT=Century Gothic]Hope is when we feel the pain that makes us try again[/FONT]
# 5
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12/06/2005 4:20 pm
It depends what you want to play. I used to Detune my 6-string to play all kinds of metal, and then went on to get a 7-string. Though it saved some hassle whenever I wanted to play something in B (or A if you like Korn), I couldn't play anything in C# etc. without having to rewrite riffs. If its for original stuff, get a 7. If its to rock out on, stick with a hard tail 6 string.

Don't try detuning a guitar with a trem system. Trust me :(
# 6
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12/06/2005 8:34 pm
I'll check out the baritone guitars, thanx andrew. what strings do use for the baritone?

Pogohead, i want to be able to play low notes B, A# or maybe even A. But i want to play standard tuning alot too. I tuned my ibanez to Eb (or D#) but i'll never do it again because i had to adjust alot of stuff, it's not worth it you're right. The only reason i could think of for not buying a 7 string is that i hear it's difficult to play one. Btw, why couldn't you play anything in C# with a 7-string, why not just keep the 7:th string in B or A and not play it?
# 7
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12/06/2005 9:01 pm
get a 7 string if you want to detune to play the low notes. detune too much on a 6 string and the strings get floppy and it just sounds like mud.
# 8
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12/06/2005 9:03 pm
Things like System of a down and early Deftones are played in Drop-C# so to play it with a B string I'd have to move the 5th chords really quickly and higher up. Got a little too difficult with some riffs so just used my Les Paul instead. Korn, Fear Factory and Orgy songs were easier though (I spent a lot of time rocking out when I was a teenager).

As far as playing with the extra string, you just have to practice. After about a week of playing it it'll feel normal and it's not too much different, just remember to mute it when playing chords etc.

The best thing to do is play them both and see if you find it comfortable or not. If not, you'll never get on with it. I'd have another, but thats me...
# 9

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