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11/21/2005 7:37 pm
I was told that if I practiced i would get the "F" down. It dont do me no good if I dont Practice it wrong all of the time. I just dont get a sound out of my guitar it mute when I have to play a "F". I already know C,G7,F,D,A7,G but the "F" is problem please give a tip on how to master this cord.

# 1
Kevin Taylor
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Kevin Taylor
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11/21/2005 9:49 pm
This might help.. there's a couple of different ways to play it.

# 2
grape nut
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grape nut
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11/22/2005 10:17 pm
genraly you would play it by barring(laying your finger horizontaly on the board) the first 2 strings (bottom of guitar) on the first fret, and on the third string you play the second fret, and the fourth string you play the 3rd fret. it could also be written like xx3211
# 3
halfway to somewhere
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halfway to somewhere
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11/26/2005 2:56 am
if you keep the same shape and move it further up the neck, to say the eighth fret ( where it becomes C ), the frets are much closer together and it will be much easier - then over a period of time and practice you will be able to slide it back - It took me an hour a day for three months to master it - stick at it, it's one of the hardest chords - but most usefull
if you always take the lazy route
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# 4
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11/26/2005 7:30 am
Originally Posted by: grape nutgenraly you would play it by barring(laying your finger horizontaly on the board) the first 2 strings (bottom of guitar) on the first fret, and on the third string you play the second fret, and the fourth string you play the 3rd fret. it could also be written like xx3211

Hes learning open position chords not barre.

Anyways, do what CW14 said. That exactly how you train your fingers to switch to the chord.
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# 5
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12/01/2005 5:59 am
I have to admit that sometimes i avoid songs with the F cord.when you practice ,try and play the F with another cord Like C maybe.Alternate between them and you should get used to it after a while.
Good Luck,It took me forever to get it right ,and sometimes i still dont get it right....... :)
# 6
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12/07/2005 11:12 pm
Originally Posted by: Gramboif you keep the same shape and move it further up the neck, to say the eighth fret ( where it becomes C ), the frets are much closer together and it will be much easier - then over a period of time and practice you will be able to slide it back - It took me an hour a day for three months to master it - stick at it, it's one of the hardest chords - but most usefull

this is the answer.
# 7
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12/08/2005 12:41 pm
I read this somewhere (though I read it after I mastered F so I'm not sure how well it works.)

Try getting a sheet of paper and screwing it up with one hand, mainly your index finger. This should strengthen it and get your fingers used to a bit more strain.

Once you get the F chord, you won't struggle to get any other from that point on, trust me :)
# 8

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