legato speed

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11/09/2005 2:02 pm
whats the most effective way to get my legato up to speed?
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# 1
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11/09/2005 7:41 pm
take it slow so that you can do all of your fingerings without thinking. then slowly increase speed untill you find it takes thought to get everything where it needs to be.... stay there till you dont have to think and continue faster untill your thinking again.....etc. you get the pic.

it takes time- dont rush it or you 1) wont have it memorized 2) wont be able to play it correctly with ease and 3) wont have that extra practice.

good luckkk
JK :cool:

-Agile Guitars Enthusiast
# 2
zoran the dark
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zoran the dark
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11/11/2005 8:55 am
Originally Posted by: DISCIPLEofMETALwhats the most effective way to get my legato up to speed?

If you really want to see a good legato phrasing, check out the mark tremonti site :D he play's good and you can see his legato moves by clicking on video

check it out man ;)
# 3
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11/12/2005 11:48 pm
Metronome!! :D
Akira says;
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
# 4
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11/17/2005 5:36 pm
When It comes to legato speed , I would recommend you no less than the master of legato, which is ALLAN "the Man" HOLDSWORTH.

you can buy his instructional video or download some of his songs to hear what I mean...check out this songs all done in legato....you will notice the hornlike guitar sound with the silky smooth legato runs played at blistering SPEED!

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# 5
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11/22/2005 3:17 am
Originally Posted by: AkiraLook at some Joe Satriani solo's, look at the legato phrases and patterns he uses and practise them till your pubes are grey.


yea legato is a bitch, just practice continuously (by continuously i literaly mean do not stop) for a good 3-5mins a day, start slow, focus on clarity and tempo of notes
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# 6

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