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Joined: 10/03/05
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Joined: 10/03/05
Posts: 439
11/13/2005 3:32 am
Originally Posted by: binfordtoolsI've been taking lessons for a few months. My teacher is cool as hell, and plays great but I'm just not progressing as fast as I'd like to. All he wants to do is teach me songs. Sounds fun, and it IS but I don't really feel like I'm grasping the basics or learning any music theory. I go in, we play some Nirvana, or Zeppelin, or whatever I want. I practice a few chords and leave. I try and practice what I have learned at home as much as I can but I'm pretty limited because I really have not learned a lot of the basics. I mean I can play all of the 7 basic chords with no problems, and a few others but that's it. He never gives me any finger exercise’s to do, or any type of scales or anything like that. I've resorted to trying things I read off of the Internet. Not that doing that is a bad idea, but I am paying my teacher a lot of money every week for what doesn’t seem like much learning. Is this just how a guitar teacher teaches? It just isn't quite what I expected.
Any advice?

i went through two years of teachers who taught me nothing, except how to read tab, wich didnt help me at all. Then i started to take classical guitar, which i still do, i learn all of my rock and chords and watever you like off the internet, but the only reason i can and am so awsome at rock is because i do classical. point being, your teacher is not a good teacher find a new one.
"When you want to rock hard children, lean of F#."