F is hard

I just startes playing guitars and had advance alot my teacher was surprise with my acopplishment but I ran into a problem Its called the "F" can someone please give me a tip on how to master this note :) :)
# 1

yeah, i had alot of problems with the F chord when i started. its hard to explain how do do it exactly- but get your teacher to help you out. im sure they can do it perfectly.
good luck
good luck
# 2

# 3
play the F without holding down the E string. It's kinda like a C chord shape, kinda. You'll have to mute the E string.
I am a constant evolving music machine. Oh Man, I just forgot what I was playing. Oh well, on to the next song. :rolleyes:
# 4

Que pasa Charro!
an easy way of playing the "F" chord, is using the shape and fingering of the "D" Major chord on fret five.
But I would advise you to learn it using the bar (cejilla o puente con tu dedo indice) since that shape is a movable chord.
an easy way of playing the "F" chord, is using the shape and fingering of the "D" Major chord on fret five.
But I would advise you to learn it using the bar (cejilla o puente con tu dedo indice) since that shape is a movable chord.
# 5

Its easier for me to bar all the strings on the 1st fret and play the E chord form.
The greatest enemy to what you can know, is what you already know.
It's not how good you play, its how well you play it.
It's not how good you play, its how well you play it.
# 6
Originally Posted by: Danny C.Its easier for me to bar all the strings on the 1st fret and play the E chord form.
do that then :D
"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a roadie...so haul my gear"
# 7
practice!!!!!!!!!!! i thought going from g to a d to an a minor was impossible when i began. now i can do it in any order with my eyes shut. repitition is the key!!!!! :D or you can play so much golf your hand stays stuck in an f grip ;)
"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a roadie...so haul my gear"
# 8
this might help:
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my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 9

# 10
I couldn't get the F to sound right for the life of me when I started on my acoustic guitar, but when I bought my electric, it was a LOT easier to bar. I went and changed out my medium strings on my acoustic for some D'Addario XLs and it's much easier now. Good luck!
# 11

it took me months to master the barred f, but lisen another way to do f is...
f on the 4th string,
a on the 3, and c on the 2cnd, its the open f, but barres are what i preffer.
f on the 4th string,
a on the 3, and c on the 2cnd, its the open f, but barres are what i preffer.
"When you want to rock hard children, lean of F#."
# 12
Here's another example a coupla ways to play an F chord.
# 13

you know, a lot of songs are written in the key of F, mostly metal songs. But I like to play in D-Bm with a F# and C#. I hate to pay with lower notes like Eb and Bb.
# 14

I was just on chord find and hopping through the various F chords and see nothing of a substantial difficulty, at least not anything difficult enough to spark an entire post. :eek: :confused: :p
My friend died rock climbing on Saturday. He was drunk though... and he didn't normally rock climb. [...] I'm not too good with death.
I hesitate to take a post from iiholly seriously...
Well, Mike dying is pretty serious to me. I couldn't have stopped it, I wasn't there.
sorry, ok, i thought it might have been a joke, I'm terribly sorry
This thread has turned out well.
My friend died rock climbing on Saturday. He was drunk though... and he didn't normally rock climb. [...] I'm not too good with death.
I hesitate to take a post from iiholly seriously...
Well, Mike dying is pretty serious to me. I couldn't have stopped it, I wasn't there.
sorry, ok, i thought it might have been a joke, I'm terribly sorry
This thread has turned out well.
# 15
I remember having trouble with the 'ol F back in the day. I prefer the barred version as was previously mentioned. Just keep at it dude, you'll fingers will figure it out eventually.
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# 16