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Joined: 05/18/24
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Joined: 05/18/24
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10/13/2005 2:20 am
metronome = very good call :)

In the first years it's all about making your hands work in a different way that they are usually working. All the muscles in your hand have to learn to work together. Some needs to contract while others need to stretch. This is a very long process.

So, what you probably face right now is your muscles slowly working together but they are still not there yet (I suppose from your post). Let me know if I got what your were trying to explain. When you play, is it possible that the first note you play "dies" before you strike your second note, making some small silences between notes thus not sounding fluid? That's what I understand from your post. If that is the case, dude you're just normal lol

The thing is that your muscle anticipate the next note but are not yet working all together. So they sometimes release too fast (adding small silences) or contracting too fast (you end up playing your second note too fast and not in tempo). Instead of trying to get faster, reduce the speed a few notchs and concentrate on trying to keep your finger (thus letting the note ring) as long as possible before the next beat comes. What you want to acheive is making those little silences as short as possible because once they are very small, your scale will sound fluid.

One good exercise, play a scale 3 notes per string but on every other string, strike the note on every other beat. So first string play on each beat, on second string play on every other beat, then on the 3rd string play on every beat again. That my friend will mess up with your hand lol You are basically trying to work off that anticipation, it's less repetitive and forces your hand to adapt. Just a small exercise :)

Lost of guitar player try to get faster and faster but don't take the time to really make each note sound fluid. So with time, you endup with a very fast run but all the notes sound muffled For me it's better to be slower and more precise than faster and muffled.

Hope that helps.