First Song

Tell me what you think of my first song ( I played both lines)
# 1

Originally Posted by: rob295Tell me what you think of my first song ( I played both lines)
dead link!!
Akira says;
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
# 2
Originally Posted by: silentmusicdead link!!
Yep. Me too.
I am vibrating at the speed of light.
I am vibrating at the speed of light.
# 3

Originally Posted by: LeedoggYou know who the Hulk and I blame!
cant the reds just mess up their OWN links for a change?!
# 5
Originally Posted by: rockonn91cant the reds just mess up their OWN links for a change?!
No. And THAT's why we've got to stop them!
# 6

# 7

Originally Posted by: Jolly McJollysonNo. And THAT's why we've got to stop them!
YES. man those nukes we have some reds to kill haha
# 8