Help with my computer, quick!
I just bought a mobile pre usb device and hooked up my condensor mic and everything works great. However, i cant get adobe audition to record the audio im putting into the mic. I can hear the mic fine through my speakers, but it wont go into audition!
# 1
is there anyone on the adobe audition thing where you can change where your input source is coming from? such as mic in, line in, etc.?
# 2
# 3
# 4
Well, I can get audition to record the signal now, but when i record my vocals or guitar it only comes in as a mono signal and plays through one speaker when i play it back.
# 5
switch in to record only the speaker its coming out of. Its good to record all tracks as a mono then master then to a stereo mix down.
# 6
# 7
Try this. Go to your control panel and click on the sounds and audio devices icon. Then click on the advanced tab in the device volume window. Now go to options then to properties and a new window opens. Click on recording, check all boxes then click OK. This brings up the last window. Make sure your line in is the only thing checked in this last window. Then click ok and close all windows and try recording again. This should cure your problem.
I am a constant evolving music machine. Oh Man, I just forgot what I was playing. Oh well, on to the next song. :rolleyes:
# 8
I get to the advanced window, but it just shows me the volumes and all I can do is mute each thing
# 9
Look in the top left corner of the advanced window and you will see Options. Click that and follow the directions I already gave you. It was confusing for me too the first time somebody was trying to explain it to me. You'll get it.
I am a constant evolving music machine. Oh Man, I just forgot what I was playing. Oh well, on to the next song. :rolleyes:
# 10