Here's a song that Silentmusic and I worked up. I did all the backing/rythm and he did all the rockin lead work! Anyway, ya'll check it out and let us know what ya'll think. It's on Soundclick so click on either the hi-fi or lo-fi if you're not a member, or if you are, you can click on the mp3 link and d/l it. Click on "Eric & Billy"
Soundclick Link
PRSplay & Silentmusic Colab...
# 1

Cool. It could do with a fast solo or change of mood somewhere in it.
I like the DADGAD thing, wicked.
I like the DADGAD thing, wicked.
Im not ok. Im not okhayhay. Im not ok.
Im not O f****n K.
Im not O f****n K.
# 2

Yea folks check it out and PRS did an amazing job on the backing/rhythm guitars :cool: so check out the link let us know whats yas think of our collaberation :D
Akira says;
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
# 3
Nice job ya'll. Pretty slick lead Billy, & I'd guess yer 3 chords were in the right order there Eric, haha. Cool mood to it overall.
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]"Bust a nut!" - Dimebag
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Einstein[/FONT]
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Einstein[/FONT]
# 4

Originally Posted by: R. ShackleferdNice job ya'll. Pretty slick lead Billy, & I'd guess yer 3 chords were in the right order there Eric, haha. Cool mood to it overall.
Thanks bud :) we only decided to do this song on thursday night.. so all in all with the short time frame, im pretty happy with the outcome :D
Akira says;
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
# 5

WOW Thats really awesome. I think we should all do that more often, just get a bunch of people off GT to contribute to something.
We've been dancin' with Mr. Brownstone...
# 6
Originally Posted by: R. ShackleferdNice job ya'll. Pretty slick lead Billy, & I'd guess yer 3 chords were in the right order there Eric, haha. Cool mood to it overall.
It was a few more than 3, but I think I got them right... at least I tried anyway :D
# 7

Originally Posted by: CW14Very nice!!!
Silentmusic - your lead was very well done. Nice and fresh licks, you didn't get repeditive and there was some good melody in there. I hear a Vai influence, mabe a bit of Slash also. Very nice licks though, and good technique with your bends and vibrato and the runs came out clean.
The backing sounded great also PRSplaya, cool progression.
All in all, great job. Rock on!!
Thank you CW :D and u are right about PRS's backing track its a great backing track and a great chord progression to solo over :cool: I look forward to maybe doing another collaboration soon ;)
Akira says;
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
# 8
I really like what you guys did, would love to colab with ya, not at your level of playing but I would still like to try something. Really nice melodic feel to your song. Sounds Vai'ish. if you ever need drums let me know I can cook some cool stuff up in Reason.
# 9

Originally Posted by: hbkolbI really like what you guys did, would love to colab with ya, not at your level of playing but I would still like to try something. Really nice melodic feel to your song. Sounds Vai'ish. if you ever need drums let me know I can cook some cool stuff up in Reason.
That would be cool :cool: maybe u could work on a song idea I have coming up.. I have the riff idea and am gona send it Prs to work his magic on :) just need to work on a few things with the bridge first... :D
Akira says;
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
# 10
# 11
This turned out very well! Good job guys. I agree with the Vai-ish vibe too.
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
My YouTube Profile
My YouTube Profile
# 12

Originally Posted by: LeedoggThis turned out very well! Good job guys. I agree with the Vai-ish vibe too.
Thank u Lee :D I said it before and I will say it again PRS did a wicked job with the backing track.. he da man :D
Akira says;
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
# 13

# 14

Thanx but I have said it before and I will say it again the backing track rocked!! it was great working with PRS on this he did an excellent job on the backing track !! :D
Akira says;
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
# 15

# 16

just to show how cool PRS is at collabs!! man he writes some cool tracks :)
Akira says;
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
# 17

Good job guys! I would love to do a collaboration with someone here that would be awesome. Especially PRS!
Miracle Blade 4: Gibs on touch.
# 18

Originally Posted by: Julian VickersGood job guys! I would love to do a collaboration with someone here that would be awesome. Especially PRS!
yea he is great to work with!! we are currently working on a new project with Akira too and I can tell u its gona kick some major ass!! :cool:
Akira says;
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"
# 19