To some degree I agree with you, why would you want to be seperated from your guitar? I understand that it also feels to me sometimes like my guitar is my life, and all I want to do is play it, but then waht is their to play? If you don't go out and live, and by that I mean go out, do different things, meet new peopke, fall in love, break up, decide you hate all women, fall for someone else, etc, what is their to write about? Whya re you playing the guitar? I mean to play blues, real blues, you've gotta have the blues. And to have the blues means to find yourself without enough money to buy food while having your woman leave you for someone else, and squatting in an abandoned warehouse for a week while you play guitar to earn some money. I mean, sure this is a bit romantic, and a bit patronising, but thier is an element of truth to it I think. There are times I have taught myself- someone who has a remarkably comfortable life, and who deosn't do crazy things that often- to leave myself no moeny to get home, to not make plans, and see where things take me, so I have something to think about. Music is life, life is music, and I love them both.
"Dozens of people spontaneously combust each year, it's just not that widely reported".