[FONT=Verdana]rest in heavenly peace lil' fox...[/FONT]
steel plate under pickup...
i heard this mod too many times... anybody know the result? :confused:
# 1
I don't quite understand what your saying. Please explain.
[FONT=palatino linotype]Lesismore[/FONT]
# 2
I'm not sure who you've been hearing that from... I think what you're talking abuot is shielding... pickups create electromagnetic fields and can cause humming through wiring... even on 'humbucking' pickups. What most people do is use a copper foil or similar metal foil that can absorb these magnetic fields and take them to ground instead of taking them through your electronics and into your amp. A correctly shielded guitar will sound 100% better than the same guitar without... it gives you natural tone without sidetalk between electrical components and pickups... This works wonders on strats... especially strats with "tub" or "swimming pool" routed pickup cavaties. Since each pickup is exposed to the others electromagnetic fields. I suppose if you wanted to use a piece of steel... you could.... but I wouldn't reccommend it. I think what you're getting at though... is the basics of shielding.
# 3