Pro Tracks Plus? NO SOund?

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08/13/2005 4:29 pm
Hi I'm Dino and I just purchased a GNX4 that came with Pro Tracks Plus Software. I have loaded the Software successfully and recorded my first track on the GNX and saved it to a Compact Flash Card. I successfully transfered the information from the Flash card onto my computer into a file. The file will play in windows media player fine but it will not play in the Pro Tracks?
When I open files I can see it loading up in Pro Tracks but it will not play?
Also the Cakewalk Pyro won't install right? It gets stuck when it's installing halfway thru? I have E MAiled CakeWalk and they tell me the guy that can help me is on Vacation for a couple of years? I think this is poor support and I cannot find any FaQs anywhere on Making ProTracks sound work or any problems with cakewalks Pyro. I'm really very new to this and for now I'm just recording into a Fostex Model 280. I am just using the built in sound on My Hp but should I go get a nice sound card and run this stuff thru midi from the GNX? How can I make this work. Help!
Thanks in advance for any information. Dino
# 1
Vote For Pedro
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Vote For Pedro
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08/16/2005 5:04 am
Make sure your playback device is set to the correct setting. I kept having problems with protracks. I finally ditched it and got Magix. I like Magix way better. The only thing I miss is the hands free recording but I can still record straight to my GNX4 hands free then import it to Magix.
I am a constant evolving music machine. Oh Man, I just forgot what I was playing. Oh well, on to the next song. :rolleyes:
# 2
halfway to somewhere
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halfway to somewhere
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08/17/2005 2:02 am
The only thing I can think of is that the Cakewalk Pyro installation disc is dirty

Does the installation wizard get interrupted ?

I had bugs with Cakewalk pyro, while I had windows ME, when I upgraded to XP, Pyro and Guitar Tracks worked perfectly
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08/17/2005 3:25 am
Hi thanks for the reply. I have XP Pro and the Cakewalk people finally wrote me back and told me how to load it the windows 98 way? My girfriend messed with it and said it loaded up this time. I'm crazy at this stuff and am used to just hitting real buttons to make things work. I'm learning slowly.
We still can't figure out how to get any sound out of Pro tracks Plus program so I am still using my multitracker 280. I know once this puter stuff starts to work right I'm gonna be a happy dude.
Dino :D
# 4
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08/17/2005 3:29 am
Originally Posted by: bigbuda import it to Magix.
I am going to look that up thanks and I'll write happy words when I hear my music coming out of one of these programs.

# 5

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