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Yo mamma is so fat...
Joined: 06/12/05
Posts: 81
Yo mamma is so fat...
Joined: 06/12/05
Posts: 81
08/17/2005 12:04 pm
There are two easy ways to copy and paste,

1: highlight what you want and then right click with your mouse-> copy
then go to whereever you want to paste, right click again with your mouse-> paste.

2: The faster method and the one i use most often and which has saved me LOADS of time is simply highlight what you want then press the CTRL (control) key on your keyboard and C at the same time (that does the copy, its usually written like this CTRL+C),
then CTRL+V to paste it.

A little off topic, but a quicker way to save to your favourites folder is simply to CTRL+B (the B is for bookmark, which brings up the question why the hell CTRL+V for paste...answer is because CTRL+P is for printing :p )


P.S if you have any other interesting guitar links for a beginner like me, feel free to reply here or PM me
- They call it "PMS" because "Mad Cow Disease" was already taken.

- Ah, yes, divorce.., from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man's genitals through his wallet. -- Robin Williams