How do i tell song key??

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08/01/2005 5:35 pm
can someone help me? with a site or somethin?

i know there are ways to tell the key of the song by the chords/chord progression used...

can anyone show me how?????
# 1
Guitar Hurricane
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Guitar Hurricane
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08/02/2005 1:39 am
In between the terble staff and time signature there will be sharps or flats on the lines of the music bar. They tell you which key your in. For instance, a sharp on the top line indicates that the passage is in the G major scale until otherwise noted.

I hope i have not very adapt in musical thoery :(
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# 2
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08/02/2005 10:31 pm
but can you tell me how i know by telling which chords are in the song, in other words just by ear?
# 3
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08/03/2005 1:21 am
Find your root notes, for the most part that will give you the chord. Such as if you hear A then work around that and see if that's the chord, you should be able to work around the scale to find the right chord.
It used to be that the bass would tell ya but these days with bass walks in chord structures you could have a song in G and then the next chord will be D/F# (D chord with F# for the bass), so don't get confused with that.
If you can work out the root and the 5th or the 3rd you should get the chord right away.
# 4
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08/03/2005 8:02 am
I think you know it. In a song or a piece of music all the notes try to reach a special note when you hear or pick this note you feel comfortable and without tension.. This is your root (key) note.
But in order to find the scale you need to learn some more...
# 5
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08/03/2005 3:37 pm
k guys, thnx i got it
# 6
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08/04/2005 1:24 pm
if youre unsure just start improvising in first position of any key and if it sounds wrong, try somewhere else. Thats how i used to work it out when i wasnt so good, but youll usually be able to tell just from looking at the chords.
# 7
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08/13/2005 11:06 pm
Originally Posted by: PoleraIn between the terble staff and time signature there will be sharps or flats on the lines of the music bar. They tell you which key your in. For instance, a sharp on the top line indicates that the passage is in the G major scale until otherwise noted.

I hope i have not very adapt in musical thoery :(

Many, many years ago when I took piano in sixth grade, my teacher taught me a very good way to read the key signature on the staff. If the signs are sharps, then the key is one note higher than the last sharp, i.e., only one sharp (F#) means the key is G. If the signs are flats, then count down three from the last flat, i.e, last flat is Bb, then the key is F.
# 8
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08/18/2005 10:10 pm
but how do you tell the key of a song that you are writting which has 4 chords, and none of them are the 1st 4th or 5th. Also how do you tell the key of a song that you are writting where instead of 4 chords its a progression of 4 double stops.
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08/19/2005 8:50 am
Diatonic Harmony again...

To find the key of a piece of music, you need to find the parent. If your chord progression is - Dmin Amin Gmaj Emin then the key is C Major. Look at the root notes of the chords in the progression, and figure out what parent scale they belong to...

Does that make sense?

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# 10
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08/19/2005 3:39 pm
Here's a chart...

This shows what chords are in each key... it's kind of basic

KEY : Chords in Key
Ab or G# : Ab, Bbm, CM, Db, Eb, Fm, Gdim

A: A, Bm, Dbm, D, E, Gbm, Abdim

Bb or A#: Bb, Cm, Dm, Eb, F, Gm, Adim

B: B, Dbm, Ebm, E, Gb, Abm, Bdim

C: C, Dm, Em, F, G, Am, Bdim

Db or C#: Db, Ebm, Fm, Gb, Abm, Bbm, Cdim

D: D, Em, Gbm, G, G, A, Bm, Dbdim

Eb or D#:Eb, Fm, Gm, Ab, Bb, Cm, Ddim

E: E, Gbm, Abm, A, B, Dbm, Ebdim

F: F, Gm, Am, Bb, C, Dm, Edim

Gb or F#: Gb, Abm, Bbm, B, Db, Ebm, Fdim

G: G, Am, Bm, C, D, Em, Gdim

This chart will allow you to take what chords are in a progression and find what key it is in. This will come in handy for awhile until you get use to it. You will start knowing just by the chords what key a song is in. G is by far one of the more common Keys for songs to be in... There ys Go!
# 11

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