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High Bandwidth
Joined: 04/12/01
Posts: 443
High Bandwidth
Joined: 04/12/01
Posts: 443
10/03/2001 2:18 pm

I would rather play under pressure.I sometimes get,
high off of pressure on the stage.
I seem to play also better to a large Audience,
than a small audience.
When i play for just a few people i seem to get,
very bored.(which i know i shoud'nt)
Now if i had my pick of Audience's i would,
pick all professional guitarist's, plus other bands.
Why because, they understand more what your trying,
to do plus are better listener's than your run of,
the mill audience's.
Of course when i started out playing for live,
audience's i used to use someone i knew in the crowd,
to look at and not look at the rest of the crowd.
But now i scan the whole crowd from left to right.
I will say this when you are first starting out,
in music or going to play for a crowd its a lot,
differant than just playing at home for people you,
know .
I've played with some bands through the years where,
some of the player's would get so scared they would,
have to go to the bathroom during a song.
You can think of it this way those people your,
playing for, are just like you ,they have skin covering,
thier bones just like you do.
I will admit that i had to have 1 beer to get started,
back when i first started ,but after playing about 6,
years i now only drink diet pepsi and have for year;s,
and so dos the rest of the band. We can get high off,
of are music.We do'nt need a little help from are friends as they say.We don'nt need hard drinks our dope ect.
I found out many years ago that i really was'nt playing,
the guitar that good while drinking .But i thought i was.

(Good Topic Joseph)


yours truly Mark Toman