I moved this thread to the "Listening Post".. mostly cause I started posting a bunch of audio files for the hell of it..
If you guys have audio files to post ya should post em here.
I've got all kindsa stupid crap I recorded back when I first started playing guitar, done on my old Fostex 250 - 4 Track in my basement.
Like, old stuff done with all manual equipment, an RX11 Drum Machine and stuff like a DX7 Keyboard.
I actually sent a whole tape of this stuff in called QtChic-FM to A&M records and got a lunch date with the head of A&R back then, Max Hutchinson.
It was a 45 minute tape of my music mixed in with a ton of fake commercials I did.
Didn't get a recording contract out of it, but definitely got my name known with the label cause some of the stuff was so rude, it got copied & passed around for years.
Some of em are too raunchy for this forum but I'll post em temporarily cause back then they weren't really considered as over the top and racist as they might today. (this was before anybody knew what AIDS was)
If anybody objects I'll erase em.
* note: **Adults Only**
Keep in mind these were done on a really old 4 Track with a really old RX11 Yamaha Drum machine, an original MIDIverb and a cheap Radio Shack Mic..
Some Canadian guys might remember this stuff.
Anyways..... A country tune I did on guitar, then a fake commercial for XRated Rock Explosion by K-Tel
http://s93744050.onlinehome.us/mp3/xrated.mp3I got more but I gotta go search em out... they're like 15 years old.
I'll post em if I find em.
This one is cut off early but is a direct dig at Alan Frew
http://s93744050.onlinehome.us/DonnyFrew.mp3This is as a commercial for a Co-op store and background music for a local talk show.
http://s93744050.onlinehome.us/mp3/coop.mp3KevFam... my attempt at making money. An actual tune that made it on Canadian TV... without the KevFam crap of course
http://s93744050.onlinehome.us/mp3/KevFam.mp3A Commercial for Roberto Jeans that got rejected
http://s93744050.onlinehome.us/RobertoJeansAnd hey...Chuckies Song, a tribute to Charles Manson.
Done with a buch of 10 year old girls singing back up.