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Joined: 04/26/05
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06/28/2005 2:09 pm
There are differences in bolt ons, set necks, and neck through designed guitars... People often overlook the sound of an electric guitar when it is not plugged in. But you can tell a lot about an electric just by playing it when it's not plugged in. Bolt on necks get the worse resonance of all the designs... the metal bolts tend to absorb and release some of the vibration. Set necks do a better job at conducting the vibrations throughout the body... giving these types of guitars better sustain when compared to a bolt on. They also generally have a warmer tone. Neck-through guitars generate the most resonance and sustain of all body designs. These bodies are generally made with a maple neck and through body block... with mahogany side panels. This allows the body to vibrate from the headstock all the way to the back strap button. Giving this type of guitar superiority in sustain. When it comes to choosing one... play all different types of guitars and woods... then make a decision on what fits you.