First Amp

Newb Guitarist
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Newb Guitarist
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06/20/2005 11:30 pm
I got my first guitar recently but i dont have an amp yet. I dont wanna spend too much money for one but i want a good one. I'd appreciate it if someone can tell me a few good ones that i can learn to play guitar on.
# 1
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06/21/2005 6:01 am
how little do you want to spend?

i have a nice small amp...a danelectro honeytone...costs like...$50.

also, another nice small one is fender G-DEC...and that's about $270 or so. post is done...goodbye.
# 2
Proud Celica Enthusiast
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Proud Celica Enthusiast
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06/21/2005 7:22 am
hey, if you could tell us your price range, and the style(s) of music you'd like to learn, we could point you out better.

but personally, I think that the vox ad15vt is probably a good amp (never tried one, but from what I've read on the net, it sounds like it would be great.) for $180. and that will give you a 15 watt amp, which won't be too loud, and will be good for practicing in your room by yourself.

but if that's out of your price range, I'd stick with something like this: because it is 15 watts, so it's not too loud, it has a drive channel which is good if you want to play rock or blues or alot of other genres of music, it has a 3 band EQ which is good for customizing the sound, it has a headphone jack if you need to play extremely quietly, it is affordable at $80, and I have the same brand of amp and I like mine, so, this would probably be a good one though I have never used this one in particular.

of course, if you find another amp that fits all the above descriptions, then you could go for that one too
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# 3
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06/21/2005 4:15 pm

I bought a Peavey Envoy Transtube amp because it is extremely versatile. It has three voicings for the lead channel and two for clear, it has an equalizer for both channels and reverb. I really like the post gain control which acts as a volume control but doesn't change overall distortion. The price online is about $250 which is pretty good for a 40 watt combo amp. I use the amp with an Ibanez Artcore archtop guitar.

My son has a Fender Frontman 15G which can give you more distortion. His amp gives you more of a heavy-metal sound with his Stratocaster.

Mark E
# 4
Newb Guitarist
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Newb Guitarist
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06/21/2005 9:41 pm
Yea im looking for one less than $150 and im lookin to play heavy metal stuff.
# 5
Proud Celica Enthusiast
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Proud Celica Enthusiast
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06/21/2005 10:08 pm
Originally Posted by: Newb GuitaristYea im looking for one less than $150 and im lookin to play heavy metal stuff.

well, in that case, I reccomend the amp I refered before (the $80 one) and this pedal: for another $50. making your total cost $130, while achieving a metal sound thanks to the pedal
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# 6
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07/09/2005 12:44 am
I would recommend a Roland Micro Cube. It is not the loudest but makes up for it in the quality of sound and the features it has. It runs about $120. I have 1 and love it. It has built in effects and COSM. (Acoustic, JC Clean, Black Panel, Brit Combo, Classic Stack, R-Fier, Chorus, Flanger, Tremolo, Phaser, Delay, Reverb, Built in tuning fork, Mic in, line out, and to top it all off it can even run on batteries if u want. The best thing about it is u can get so many different sounds out of it without having to spend $50 a piece for all of those pedals. Perfect for the beginner
# 7
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07/11/2005 10:24 am
I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND a Roland Cube 60! Trust me, it will jsut blow you away! :cool:
# 8

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