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Joined: 03/23/04
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Registered User
Joined: 03/23/04
Posts: 4
06/29/2005 10:04 pm
Hi,hope you're practicing!
One way to uncover the pentatonic scales is to map out the neck of the guitar. Either by getting fret paper and drawing in the frets or just grabbing a notepad and drawing a guitar neck (of at least 15 frets so you can see how the scale unfolds higher up the neck).
Next, you want to write in the notes of the strings. Just start with the E on the low string and go up from there. E,F,F#,G,G#,A,A#,B,B#,C,C#,D,D#,E.
That's all the notes in one octave. Next do the same for all the other strings (A,A#,B,ect for the next string; D,D#,E,ect for the string after that;G,G#,A,ect for the next string;B,C,C#,ect for the next;lastly do the highest string just like the first string. Cool!!!! A neck map! Now go back to the scale that you want to find and get the notes. If it's pentatonic minor it will be A,C,D,E,G in the key of A. Just blacken those notes on the neck map and you will see the scale jump out at you. Next remember that the pentatonic is just two notes per position, the first position in the key of A would be 5th fret,8th fret low string(e), 5th fret,7th fret next string(a), 5th fret,7th fret next string(d), 5th fret,7th fret(g),5th fret,8th fret(b) then 5th fret,8th fret (high e).
The next postion will start with the higher notes from the first pattern. It will go 8th fret,10th fret(low e),7th fret,10th fret(a), 7th fret,10th fret(d), 7th fret,9th fret(g),8th fret,10 fret(b), 8th fret,10th fret(high e). Keep adding patterns until you've covered the neck, then practice them everyday until you can see them (visualize them) on the neck when just sitting and looking at the neck.
You can do this with any scale you want to know.