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Joined: 04/10/05
Posts: 67
Registered User
Joined: 04/10/05
Posts: 67
06/22/2005 4:49 am
A lot of people who pick up a guitar without any formal training will just learn bits, intros, and riffs of songs. It is natural and not uncommon. Some people like to play their own music, create their own stuff and play to jam tracks, that's very cool to do. But PRSPlaya puts the hammer to the nail. Better to know a few songs complete than hundreds of riffs.

First it sounds as if you want to play a song complete. Then you turn around and reinforce your inability by saying that you would find it boring after a while. (Eric Clapton yawns all the way to the bank after playing Layla every night) And that you give up if you run across a part that is too difficult.

You've only been playing a short while so I'll assume that you are not yet up to the difficult solos that you see in many songs (the difficult parts). Why not try playing the rhythm part, working on the chord changes. Then break up the solos into 2 or 4 bar pieces and work them.

A piece should never become boring. There is always something you can do to make the song yours. Hammer ons pull offs bends slides, arpeggios are the paints on your canvass.

If you want a great site to visit where they have actual song lessons that will teach you entire songs I suggest. Great community of players.

Play. Start simple. Get all the way through. Feel the accomplishment.
