View post (Help I Just Realized I cant play anything)

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Joined: 02/06/05
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Joined: 02/06/05
Posts: 322
06/16/2005 2:57 am
Wow, I honestly thought i was the only one who did that. I never learn whole songs, i pick out the riffs and solos that look good and just doodle around with those. The only songs I know form start to finish are the ones my old guitar teacher taught me. But you know(kinda random but still bugging me) everyone says the more solos you play by other artists the more you will be able to create your own solo. Well Ive been learning some artists solos and i cant create a solo any better than i could before going to the trouble of learning thier solos. I dont feel like I have learned anything, just feel like i have something cool to play.
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