Mike ;)
Difference in Guitars

I have an Axs32 Ibanez guitar worth like $520, will there be a good difference in sound between that and the Gibson Flying V worth like 1,000 somethin when i get it. Because im thinking maybe i dont like my tone cuz of my guitar. Is it the guitar or mainly the amp that give you the tone?
# 1

bad tone can come from a few places...ibanez guitars are normally mediocre guitars...they play decently but after a while i grow tired of them because their cool looks have worn off and it's just a crappy guitar again...so. i'd say keep the ibanez for the time being and upgrade your amp...if you like the ibanez but don't like the tone from it, it might also be the pickups...but i'd recommend an amp upgrade first if you have a lower end amp.
okay...my post is done...goodbye.
# 2

This is all In My Humble Opinion ...
I can liken this to a car.
Your guitar (and its pickups) are like the type of gas you can put into your car. Low octain, high octain or even mixed with a little NOS - all can have an affect on how your car runs.
BUT ... ...
Putting high octane mixed w/ NOS in a '97 Geo Metro won't be quite the same as in a '69 Camaro.
Your amp is like your car engine, and your effects are all the extra little tweaks that make it sound (or look) extra cool.
So to answer your question -
The type of guitar you have CAN make a difference IF you have a high quality amp and effects to drive.
If your amp is low or mid quality, the type of guitar you have is less of an impact. I'd go with what tehplatypus recommended.
I can liken this to a car.
Your guitar (and its pickups) are like the type of gas you can put into your car. Low octain, high octain or even mixed with a little NOS - all can have an affect on how your car runs.
BUT ... ...
Putting high octane mixed w/ NOS in a '97 Geo Metro won't be quite the same as in a '69 Camaro.
Your amp is like your car engine, and your effects are all the extra little tweaks that make it sound (or look) extra cool.
So to answer your question -
The type of guitar you have CAN make a difference IF you have a high quality amp and effects to drive.
If your amp is low or mid quality, the type of guitar you have is less of an impact. I'd go with what tehplatypus recommended.
Everything is OK in the end.
If it's not OK, then it's not the end.
Everything is OK in the end.
If it's not OK, then it's not the end.
# 3

yea, to add to other's comments, the Ax ibanez series is a pretty decent series. If your amp is not that good (most likley) then change the amp. Cause a $520 on a guitar is a pretty helfty price so I dont think it would give bad sound/tone.
# 4

Originally Posted by: CW14If you're happy with how the guitar plays, you might want to change the pickups rather than buy a Gibson :eek:
word to that. i own a gibson but i've been becoming more and more dissatisfied with their latest guitars...it's like gibson's quality is riding a slide all the way down to the ground floor.
okay...my post is done...goodbye.
# 5
If you are using a DSL and like the way a DSL sounds then the problem is not your amp.
If you like the way the guitar feels / plays changing the PUs may help. If not get a new axe. As for which one...well get down to the guitar store and play a bunch !!
If you like the way the guitar feels / plays changing the PUs may help. If not get a new axe. As for which one...well get down to the guitar store and play a bunch !!
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my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 6

Originally Posted by: Dr_simonAs for which one...well get down to the guitar store and play a bunch !!
always the best method.
you know...i played a really awesome guitar a few days ago....a jaguar limited edition. it had two humbuckers and a les paul bridge and made up for every sh*tty jaguar fender put out before that with the crappy bridges with poor intunation.
not necessarily suggesting he get that guitar...but it is pretty kickass anyways.
okay...my post is done...goodbye.
# 7

Originally Posted by: tehplatypus i own a gibson but i've been becoming more and more dissatisfied with their latest guitars...it's like gibson's quality is riding a slide all the way down to the ground floor.
both gibsons and fenders are overrated.
but i mean, whats so wrong about taking a piece of crap guitar and pimping it out with awsome hardware, pickups, everything? shure your stuff on it will cost more then the original guitar but who cares?
i say you just put new stuff on ur current one. cuz AX's are good guitars. but not always great in the pickups dept.
but i also agree with the other peoples saying about the amp. if thats crap, it will seem as if everythings crap.
# 8

Yeah i have a JCM 2000 Dsl 100 Marshall head and a Marshall Cabinet, so my amp is good i believe, And I bought a Dimarzio Super distortion Pickup for the bridge pickup, its getting installed right now at a music store. So im hoping it makes my guitar sound pimped out!
Mike ;)
# 9