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Joined: 04/18/05
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06/05/2005 12:03 pm
Lordofthestrings (cool handle by the way), I have yet to add any bassline at all, the whoel thing is just little old me and my guitar playing along with a midi drumline (the most time consuming part of the whole exercise). ANyway, by the time it came to playing the end I was a ilttle short on inspiration and a little full of beer. I jammed the last solo entirely, I think there are some good ideas in there though. You're right about the production, when I've played all of the parts the way I want them and have added the bass etc I'm getting a friend of mine to mix and master it in ProTools - all I know how to do in CUbase is records and sequence.

Silentmusic, good to see another Irishman onboard, where you from? I'm a Dubliner myself;-)