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Gear Guru
Joined: 01/18/01
Posts: 6,242
Gear Guru
Joined: 01/18/01
Posts: 6,242
06/04/2005 11:08 pm
[font=trebuchet ms]First, I've gotta say that most instrumental metal just bores me to tears, but I found something interesting to focus on all the way through your track. Good composition. Good playing. I'm impressed.

That said, The ending should sound a little more like an ending, instead of a bunch of guys just got tired of bashing away at it.

The bass and the rhythm parts need some EQ tailoring. The heavily scooped-mids rhythm guitar trespasses deeply into the bass player's territory. And the bass is indistinct. The result is a lot of muddy, thumpy, thingies lurching about in the background. Roll back the bass on the rhythm guitar, add some edge to the bass, and I think you've got a winner![/font]
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